I’ve been missing for a while, it’s been a very rough last few weeks. I’d been meaning to write, had my baked goods ready and done with all my experiments and then I had to travel and then my dad fell ill and then he passed away. Today is Day 13 since he passed away, and the last few days I’ve been coming to the blog, opening it to write and then shutting it down because I just haven’t gotten around to getting my thoughts together. It all seems wiry and blurred and messy in my head so it wouldn’t make any sense here anyway. But today is a new day and I am hoping I can pick up some of the pieces and while I’ll never stop missing him, this is my channel of distraction for now. So, I will either disappear for a while or I will start baking like crazy, whichever feels right for the moment 🙂 I do hope it’s lots of baking though!
Before things took a turn in my life I had hosted one of my Aunt’s for a lunch party at my place. She’s the same one who makes the amazing English Trifle and inspired me to make the version I have here on the blog, but isn’t big on dessert consumption. So this ended up being a last minute addition to the menu given I didn’t want to make anything large,that would be left over for me to eat, and nothing too small that it didn’t feel like dessert. This ended up being great but unfortunately I went all wrong on the quantity and the kids got 2 pieces each and the adults one, wasn’t very pleased with myself for that, but that’s behind me.
This is easy to make, and also very light.
1 quantity Pie Crust
Salted Caramel
200g Melted Chocolate
- Pre-heat oven to 180C /350F
- Roll out pie crust and cut into circles with a scone cutter
- Place the circle on the back of mini cupcake tins and press down, take a fork and make holes on the base so it doesn’t puff up
- Bake for 10 mins, then let it cool completely so when you pour the caramel it doesn’t start to get too liquid
- Finally add the chocolate and let is set in the fridge for 20mins so the chocolate and caramel can set
i love to bake cup cakes.and i love caramels..So i liked your recipe,chocolate caramel cups..I will try this recipe for sure.
thank you, let me know how it turns out.