Marshmallow pops were an easy addition to the Frozen party I had for Serena. It’s a great table filler, makes it look pretty, on theme and a hit for the kids. I’d say a win-win for kids and host. Not so much for parents though. These blue coloured sugar sprinkles left all the kids’ lips and tongues blue as hell!!! There’s something about the colour blue with anything sweet, not sure why – it always leaves a trace. Luckily the colour of these sprinkles doesn’t last, so as soon as the next set of goodies go into your childs’ mouth the blue starts to erase.
The pops are super easy to make! All you’ll need is some pop sticks, marshamallows and sprinkles – that’s it. Push the sticks into the marshmallows, dip the marshmallow half way into a glass of water, only as much as you would like to have covered with the sprinkles, and then roll over the wet marshmallow on to the spread out sugar. The other way to do this is to dip into royal icing, but as it is this treat was too sweet for the kids so water was a much better option.
And with this post, it is the end of the Frozen saga! I see a Moana saga coming up in a few months though, my younger one is obsessed with her and wants to have a Moana party. Till then, other desserts on the way 🙂